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What Is HRA and How Can You Benefit from It?

The HRA acronym stands for House Rent Allowance. It’s a tax break that you can qualify for if you rent your home being employed or self-employed. With the help of HRA, you can cut down expenses on moving house. Let’s have a closer look at this opportunity!

Eligibility Criteria
You have the right to deduct your HRA from your taxable income if you tick these boxes:

Get a salary or work for yourself
Rent your home but don’t own it
Have signed a legal rental contract with your landlord and can show the receipts to confirm your payments
The rules for receiving HRA can depend on your geographical location. Please consult an HRA moving company to learn more details.

HRA Ratio
The standard HRA ratio is 40%. In major cities, it amounts to 50%. Those who fail to benefit from other compensation can expect to receive something in between these two indicators.

There are handy online calculators available. They will help you estimate your HRA ratio, based on your individual circumstances.

HRA Benefits
HRA can be beneficial for both business and their staff.

The former get a chance to attract the most skilled and productive workers. Not all companies offer an HRA. For those that do, it turns into a meaningful competitive edge. When people know that the company cares about them, they tend to remain loyal to it and perform better.

The latter can pay less for their rental or mortgage. They enjoy a greater freedom of choice because they can consider more expensive housing options. They might be able to get a house that is close to their workplace or provides easy access to the required infrastructure.

How to Approach House Moving
After you find an ideal house thanks to the HRA assistance, you may want to stick to this scheme to facilitate and accelerate the moving process:

Compose a checklist of what you need to do before, during, and after the relocation.
Throw away the things that you don’t need anymore or donate them to charity. If you have time, you may offer these things to your friends or sell them, either on an offline flea market or online.
Start packing well in advance. This process can take much longer than planned initially. Make sure to pack first the items that you won’t need urgently. As for the toothbrush, slippers, towels, chargers, and so on, put them in a dedicated bag that you'll keep close to yourself.
Clean your old house before leaving it.
So, this was the basic information about the HRA. Don’t hesitate to contact an HRA moving company to find out more!